Career Interest Instruments

OMS offers three career interest instruments for home schools.

Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS) (Grades 7-12, adult):

The Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS) is a self-scoring inventory that helps introduce middle school, junior high, and high school students and adults to career options and the world of work. Brief and easy to score and interpret, IDEAS identifies interests that can affect educational and vocational planning and direction.

Career Assessment Inventory - (CAI) enhanced (Grades 10-12, adult; home schools only):

The 1986 Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) enhanced version provides scores on a broad range of occupational scales that encompass a wide spectrum of professional and vocational-technical careers. It covers careers that require little or no postsecondary education, some community college or technical college education, or graduate school education. Designed to represent a broad spectrum of careers, the CAI is well suited for high school and adult populations.

Campbell Interest & Skill Survey: (CISS) (Grade 12, adult):

The Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS) combines an assessment of an individual's interest and self-reported skill. Generally, the CISS covers careers that require post-secondary education. Even though the items are written at the sixth grade level, the content of the interest and skill items is more appropriate for adults who have had some work-related experiences. However, there is sufficient item content to which high school seniors could relate, especially if they are considering post-secondary education and have some knowledge of the world of work, to make it a viable tool for high school counselors.